Alachua, Florida Building Codes

Updated : 04/22/2024


The State Code of Florida requires that all municipalities and counties within the state enforce the most current (6th edition, 2017, effective 12/31/2017) Florida Building Code, including Building, Residential and Existing Building Codes, at a minimum. Alchua, FL, further amended the state code with additional, more stringent, provisions. Alchua, FL, municipal code § 8-29.

"The Florida Building Code is hereby amended by adding: Surface treatment of masonry walls and structures. All exterior masonry walls and structures shall have a finished appearance through the application of stucco or other approved surfacing materials or by tooling all joints and properly sealing and painting the surface."

Helpful resources for Alachua, Florida include the following.

Residential Building Code

Florida adopted a statewide mandatory residential code that will control; however, local governments are free to make laws more strict (with some limitations).See PLRB, Florida Building Codes for more information on state level codes.

Alachua adopted the 2015 IRC, statewide. Note that adoptions usually come with amendments. So, it is important to review those amendments in addition to the unamended model code.

You can find a copy of the model code here.

You can find information about amendments to the model code here.

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2023 Florida Bldg. Code, Residential (2021 IRC)(Alachua, FL Sec. 8-29. - Florida Building Code.)

...The 2017 Florida Building Code (Code), as amended from time to time and adopted by F.S. ch. 553, is hereby adopted and shall be enforced in the City. (b) The Florida Building Code, Residential is hereby amended by the following technical...

Drip Edge

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Ice Barrier

Are ice barriers required for Alachua ? Undetermined


The State Code of Florida requires that all municipalities and counties within the state enforce the most current (6th edition, 2017, effective 12/31/2017) Florida Building Code, including Building, Residential and Existing Building Codes, at a minimum. Alchua, FL, further amended the state code with additional, more stringent, provisions. Alchua, FL, municipal code § 8-29.

"The Florida Building Code is hereby amended by adding: Surface treatment of masonry walls and structures. All exterior masonry walls and structures shall have a finished appearance through the application of stucco or other approved surfacing materials or by tooling all joints and properly sealing and painting the surface."

Existing Buildings

Existing buildings, meaning buildings that were built in accordance to code at the time of construction, typically merit extra consideration in a current updated code.

 Florida Building Code, Existing Building, 6th Edition (2017) 

Commercial Building Code

Alachua adopted the 2017 Florida Building CodeYou can find a copy of the code here.You can find information about amendments to the model code here.

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2023 Florida Bldg. Code, Building (2021 IBC)(Alachua, FL Sec. 8-29. - Florida Building Code.)

...The 2017 Florida Building Code (Code), as amended from time to time and adopted by F.S. ch. 553, is hereby adopted and shall be enforced in the City. (b) The Florida Building Code, Residential is hereby amended by the following technical...


The State Code of Florida requires that all municipalities and counties within the state enforce the most current (6th edition, 2017, effective 12/31/2017) Florida Building Code, including Building, Residential and Existing Building Codes, at a minimum. Alchua, FL, further amended the state code with additional, more stringent, provisions. Alchua, FL, municipal code § 8-29.

"The Florida Building Code is hereby amended by adding: Surface treatment of masonry walls and structures. All exterior masonry walls and structures shall have a finished appearance through the application of stucco or other approved surfacing materials or by tooling all joints and properly sealing and painting the surface."

Existing Buildings

Alachua, FL, adopted the 2009 IPMC. Alachua, FL, municipal code § 8-30 (adopted). The International Property Maintenance Code adopts the 2009 IEBC. IMPC § 201.3. If any provisions of the IPMC conflicts with the Florida Building Code, the terms of the Florida Building Code shall govern.

 Florida Building Code, Existing Building, 6th Edition (2017) 

Other Building Codes

Alachua, FL, has adopted the following standards:

2009 International Property Maintenance 

The base codes for the 2017 edition of the Florida Building Code include: the International Building Code , 6th edition (2017); the International Plumbing Code , 6th Edition (2017), the International Mechanical Code, 6th Edition (2017), the International Fuel Gas Code, 6th Edition; the International Residential Code, 6th Edition (2017); the International Existing Building Code,  6th Edition, (2017);  the National Electrical Code, 2005 edition; the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Fair Housing Guidelines, and; substantive criteria from the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers’ (ASHRAE) Standard 90.1-2004. State and local codes adopted and incorporated into the code include the Florida Energy Efficiency Code for Building Construction, the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction and special hurricane protection standards for the high-velocity hurricane zone.

However, many of these standards are out of date and have been replaced by the currently adopted state standards:

Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation,  6th Edition (2017)

Florida Building Code, Fuel Gas, 6th Edition (2017)

Florida Building Code, Plumbing, 6th Edition (2017)

Florida Building Code, Mechanical, 6th Edition (2017)

Florida Building Code, Test Protocols for High-Velocity Hurricane Zones, 6th Edition (2017)

Florida Building Code, Accessibility, 6th Edition (2017)